Jag vill denna söndag be dig att skriva på ännu en orangutangnamninsamling. Varför är den så viktig, då? Jo, så här står det att läsa på change.org, varifrån bilden ovan också är lånad:
"The A’famosa Resort in southern Malaysia is essentially a golf resort with a separate though adjoining area containing both domestic and wild animals. It has no conservation or education value. It is purely an amusement park for people.
Approximately 18 months ago, following a public campaign by Nature Alert, A’Famosa along with all other parks and zoos was banned from using orangutans in circus-like shows. i.e. dressing the orangutans in human clothes and then humiliating them in front of crowds twice a day seven days a week.
Since the shows were stopped all eight orangutans were kept in squalid conditions for 18 months, despite the government authorities being alerted every month to this abuse.
Recently all 8 orangutans were finally removed from A’Famosa, but with no assurance from the government they won’t one day be returned. Four of them originated from the forest of Sarawak. There is a perfectly good orangutan rehabilitation centre in Sarawak, to where these four should be sent instead of their present cramped cages in a zoo.
Please will you help us persuade the government of Malaysia to treat these orangutans with respect and dignity, giving them the chance to once again see and live in the forest, not on a concrete floor behind bars in a zoo?
After being abused for so long, they deserve to an opportunity to climb a tree again, pick wild fruit, feel the sun and rain on their backs, most of all feel freedom after all these years behind iron bars. Do you agree?
YOUR support will make a BIG difference. Each person signing the petition will trigger a letter to be sent to more than 20 key Malaysian officials. They need to hear from you.
Many thanks.
Nature Alert"
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Har du fortfarande inte skrivit på namninsamlingarna som jag länkade till för några dagar sedan, så gör gärna det samtidigt. Det går fort. Två minuter över har du.
Andra skriver: djur, djurhållning, djurplågeri, djurrätt, djurskydd, primater, orangutanger, Malaysia, Prime Minister Embas, A'Famosa, zoo, djurpark
Approximately 18 months ago, following a public campaign by Nature Alert, A’Famosa along with all other parks and zoos was banned from using orangutans in circus-like shows. i.e. dressing the orangutans in human clothes and then humiliating them in front of crowds twice a day seven days a week.
Since the shows were stopped all eight orangutans were kept in squalid conditions for 18 months, despite the government authorities being alerted every month to this abuse.
Recently all 8 orangutans were finally removed from A’Famosa, but with no assurance from the government they won’t one day be returned. Four of them originated from the forest of Sarawak. There is a perfectly good orangutan rehabilitation centre in Sarawak, to where these four should be sent instead of their present cramped cages in a zoo.
Please will you help us persuade the government of Malaysia to treat these orangutans with respect and dignity, giving them the chance to once again see and live in the forest, not on a concrete floor behind bars in a zoo?
After being abused for so long, they deserve to an opportunity to climb a tree again, pick wild fruit, feel the sun and rain on their backs, most of all feel freedom after all these years behind iron bars. Do you agree?
YOUR support will make a BIG difference. Each person signing the petition will trigger a letter to be sent to more than 20 key Malaysian officials. They need to hear from you.
Many thanks.
Nature Alert"
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Har du fortfarande inte skrivit på namninsamlingarna som jag länkade till för några dagar sedan, så gör gärna det samtidigt. Det går fort. Två minuter över har du.
Andra skriver: djur, djurhållning, djurplågeri, djurrätt, djurskydd, primater, orangutanger, Malaysia, Prime Minister Embas, A'Famosa, zoo, djurpark